wildflower land

Saturday, April 09, 2005

WildFlower Land Art Collection Group

Problem StatementWhen the military regime took Burma by force and created an environment of fear, the Burmese people were subsequently starved, beaten, tortured, raped, and stripped of all basic human liberty; left to compete with force for basic human dignity. At the present time, Burma is still forcibly oppressed, and since the population wearily exists, and their prosperity, livelihood, and overall well-being are in constant danger, the climate has reached such a desperate state. Among the various groups working in support for the Burmese cause, there are grave concerns regarding the threat to Burmese culture amidst such an incredible struggle for liberation. This struggle is not solely political, as the Burmese are also attempting to free themselves from the chains of personal and community oppression. In fact, most art, publications, and music projects are terminated before they even reach the public, which forces the Burmese people to search elsewhere for work reflecting the true feelings of their situation. With no forum for free expression, they have little chance to communicate the difficulties of this struggle, thus finding a peaceful way to freedom. Past ProjectsIn November 1999, The Wildflower Land Art Collection Group was established by Burmese artists and students, in close coordination with members of the international community, in order to help validate the Burmese people and inspire the Burmese culture. Thus, The Wildflower Land Art Collection Journal was created, and began to collect and publish Burmese poetry, creative writing, and art in a monthly magazine. The group has also petitioned international artists to submit their work in order to build a global community of support and free expression. The Wildflower Land began with an initial target market of approximately 500 readers in Thailand, Burma and abroad. The magazine includes work in both Burmese and English, and is distributed free to Burmese workers, refugees, and exiles in the Thai-Burma border area; as well as throughout Thailand. The magazines are also sent to international subscribers at a minimal cost. Each month, the unique creative process begins, with members of the Art Collection Group gathering, reviewing all submissions, and beginning the process of translating and editing for the next edition. This includes round-table discussions regarding art, design layout, distribution, and future plans; all with the hopes at creating an environment of free exchange of ideas, and offering an open forum for expression. In addition to the journal, in January 2000, the Art Collection Group began organizing a library (book lending service) for all Burmese in the Mae Sot area. Initially, 85 books were delivered from inside Burma, adding to the already small personal collection of several working members, and presently the collection stands at over 100 books. These books are mostly in Burmese, covering such topics as Burmese and international literature, poetry, music, philosophy, religion, and anthologies. Also, there are several English language instruction books for those interested in personal study; there are also various newspapers, magazines, journals, dictionaries, and an atlas. Proposed Projects The Art Collection Group plans to continue and expand The Wildflower Land Art Collection Journal, maintaining its monthly schedule of production but increasing in size, content, and distribution. Due to the overwhelming response - both in the Thai-Burma border area and internationally - there have been many submissions for future editions. In fact, several international magazines have already expressed interest at collaborating on future projects, and the Art Collection Group hopes to build on these relationships, mainly through the internet and its proposed website(10). Therefore, the group is anxious to continue the momentum from its first two efforts, and looks at creation of an honorable and dynamic creative expression journal. Besides the present distribution plan, the group also intends to distribute copies inside Burma, where space for dynamic ideas and inspirational creativity are so lacking. With this in mind, the Art Collection Group will coordinate with persons inside Burma who can securely transport and deliver copies of The Wildflower Land around the country; especially, to the underground libraries and bookshops supporting the cause for freedom of expression. Another planned project, also involved with persons from inside Burma, is a continued effort at expanding the current library. Every month, the group hopes to buy approximately 100 books to add to its collection, thereby providing a more diverse selection for its users. Future ProjectsIn addition to continuing The Wildflower Land and expansion of the library, the Art Collection Group also intends to evaluate the idea of a Burmese community resource center, based in Mae Sot. This would be open to all Burmese in Thailand, and would provide a safe, decent space for which Burmese could meet, gather, share, learn and celebrate. Due to the hostile conditions inside Burma, and the difficult living arrangements in exile in Thailand, this would fill a large need. In an attempt at culturally revitalizing and encouraging the Burmese people of all ethnic and religious backgrounds, the community resource center would also serve as a place for further education and self-study. Some of the ideas for the community center include an available space for open discussion groups, an expanded library, music lessons and rehearsals, art lessons and groups, dance lessons and performances, computer training, and the hosting and facilitation of culturally diverse Burmese ceremonies. The Art Collection Group will begin to survey the Mae Sot area for active interest, as well as organizing meetings with the responsible authorities. Aims: To provide cultural support to the exiled Burmese population, as well as those within Burma, with projects aimed at encouraging free expression and participation in the various activities of the uniquely diverse Burmese people.
Utilize the creative process of The Wildflower Land to encourage unity amongst Burmese in Thailand - and in cooperation with the international community.
Distribute The Wildflower Land to all interested persons, and to make it accessible for all people.
Use the creative forum of The Wildflower Land, and its proposed website, as a means for international solidarity.
Provide a substantial collection of Burmese books to those in the Mae Sot area.
Aid in the publication of books written by Burmese people containing stories from Burmese people, as well as Burmese culture, art, and other books to be distributed to an international audience.
Promote active involvement in traditional culture and expression, and to assist in creating opportunities for safe and reliable cultural activities.
Facilitate those interested in self-study and personal development.


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